Astrology = The Possiblesolar_system

Many people ponder several of life's questions:

Why am I here?
Why do I feel the way I do?
Should I get married?
Where should I move next?

These questions and more can be answered by astrology. Unlike what you read in the newspapaer, astrology offers infinite insight into your inner and outer selves, as well as what paths you have taken, and what direction would be best for you. Let me help guide you in your quest.


As above, so below!

All of existance is based upon energy and the fact of Unity. Humankind has realized the importance of the celestial bodies on what happens on Earth since the Egypttians, Chinese, Incas, Mayas, Olmecs, Arabs and many other expended immense energy to understand the patterns of the heavens. The entire cosmos is one immense organism which modern science is struggling to understand. Many times in the forgotten past, we have had the answers and we will have them again. Astrology is the father of mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects that people spend years studtying. Humankind is coming to a point in which we realize that we must examine the whole, and not just the parts, to understand - thus the return to astrology that has had a huge resurgence in the past few years.