Astrology Services

  • This is just a taste of THE INFORMATION That asrtrology can provide to the individual to assist in this earthly journey

  • natal_babies


    This chart is where we begin. When we decided to incarnate, we chose the time and place, such that the planets would imbue us with the energies that would allow us to fulfill our stated mission.

  • synsastry

    Is he/she the one for me? Should we get married? Whay am I in this relationship. The energies of the cosmos and I can help you unravel them.



  • Astrocartography

    Planning to re-locate? Let the energies that you chose when you incarnated to show you the way. Astrocartography is the overlaying of the natal chart ontot any area of the Earth.


Harmonic Astrology

Energy and vibration make up the substance of everything. Just as we increase the frequency of colors and electromagnetic radiation to impart more information, harmonic astrology allowas me to help you get a clearer picture of selected aspects of life.


Elective Astrology

At one time or another, all of us have stopped and questioned the next step we should make. Astrology can help to connect your higher self with the energies of the planets and make that decision with information that you already know.